How the tool works
This tool is designed to aid in choosing between two alternative locations for a redistribution hub. The primary factors that a company needs to consider are:
This tool provides analytics regarding the first two factors. It should be noted that the only inventory investment considered here is in-transit inventory. While the inventory investments required at the hub and at the customer locations are major factors in determining whether a company should have a hub structure, this investment is generally independent of where the hub is located. Also, obtaining transportation and warehousing costs is necessary to complete the analysis but this requires detailed information sharing between the company and the potential service providers.
Using the tool
1 Define the main flows that would use the redistribution center
Select a country from which goods will be shipped.
Select the specific port of origin from that country’s list.
Do the same with the destination country and port.
Introduce the monthly volume of goods to be shipped between those two ports, and the approximate value of the shipped cargo.
Using the tool
2 Create a network of any size
Add as many lines as you require.
Or remove those you wish to exclude.
When you are ready, click the Proceed button to see the results.
Using the tool
3 Visualize the results for the input scenario
The standard output from a line of input is as follows:
Using the tool
4 Interact
This tool has been developed by the Georgia Tech Panama Logistics Innovation and Research Center, with data from, as of 2024-12-29.
Please visit the Panama Logistics Portal to find out more about Panama's logistics platform.
Version 1.2.1